
As a leading printing services company in Germany, Mediadruckwerk invests in cutting-edge technologies to offer a wide variety of refined print finishes.

To showcase their impressive range of print finishing methods, we created the Mediadruckwerk Musterbox. This collection of 20 cards presents striking contrasts, such as big-small, solid-liquid, bold-light, and more. Each card tells a compelling story, demonstrating the endless possibilities when different print finishes harmonize.

The Mediadruckwerk Musterbox is not only a sales tool but also a tangible embodiment of creativity. It enables salespeople to captivate clients and showcase Mediadruckwerk’s expertise and craftsmanship.

Agency EIGA | Client Mediadruckwerk | Creative Director Elisabeth Plass and Henning Otto | Design Maria Bessa | Illustrations Maria Bessa, Elisabeth Plass & Florian Loi




Adidas Rebranding, Wayfinding and Foodcourts